I was thinking today about one the most vile, leftist institutions in our country today, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). I believe that they are misnamed. If they had any integrity about them at all they would rename themselves the Atheist Communist Litigation Union. This title more accurately captures the essence of what they stand for.
Like most liberals they have an agenda. And like liberals, instead of coming out clean and being forward in displaying their agenda out in the clear, they hide like cowards behind false, deceptive pretenses. This is of course, because they are aware of the fact that clear thinking Americans would never buy their dangerous communist/socialist anti-American, anti-Constitution drivel.
Instead, the ACLU want all Americans to believe that their sole mission is to care for and protect our 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech. They would also have us to believe that without their legal expertise, the civil rights that Americans enjoy, would be stripped of them by their government and at its earliest convenience. What a load of arrogant, lies.
Let’s take a look at elements of the current title that this group of lawyers are going by and examine whether or not any of them are a true and an honest representation of the services they claim to provide. Let’s start with the last element in their title, "Union".
The term union is a fitting one for this group of lawyers to use. When one hears the term "union", one usually thinks of labor unions like the AFL-CIO, or the Teamsters Union. The ACLU, like the corrupt labor unions of today, has gone beyond it's originally stated purpose and is no longer needed.
Labor unions were established as a remedy to the abuses that big industrial companies at the turn of the 19th century were committing against its employees without challenge. Thanks to these labor unions, child labor laws have been enacted and employees aren’t exploited as slave labor like they were before. Today, no one needs to "sell his or her soul to the
company store". Employees today don’t have to live in company housing, or shop at company grocery stores.
While a lot of employees today complain about their income, (mostly workers in entry level/non college degree jobs), no one is really facing anything remotely similar to the horrible work conditions that employees faced back at the establishment of the labor unions.
The labor unions of today have become nothing more than fat, greedy institutions, which utilize their members’ non-voluntary contributions to turn the tables against the companies that provide employment. While they were originally established to protect the welfare of the workers from abuse at the hand of employers, today the worker himself is just a manipulated pawn that labor unions use to intimidate employers.
Because the labor unions of today have gone beyond their original intent, we don’t have justice in the employment arena. Instead, the upper hand has simply switched from employer to labor union. Labor unions have outlived their purpose.
Likewise, the ACLU is a union that claims to represent freedom of speech in this country. The only problem is the ACLU protects selected freedom of speech, not all types. For the ACLU, the freedom of speech for the perverted, criminal, pedophile organization: National American Man Boy Love Association (
NAMBLA) is worth protecting, despite the fact that NAMBLA’s mission is to encourage the statutory rape of young boys by adult male pedophiles.
The ACLU routinely swoops in to ensure that the wishes of some overly sensitive, whiny little atheist is granted his or her wishes at the expense of the wishes of the majority of those around him or her.
whiny atheist is mortified that there is the phrase "One Nation Under God" in the pledge, the
ACLU protect his or her freedom of speech and fights to have it summarily struck out of the pledge.
Little whiny atheist has his or her
panties in a wad because, if you happened to study a particular
city’s seal carefully enough, you'll discover that there is a Christian cross in it. Never fear, here comes that bastion of freedom of speech protectors the
ACLU to save the day, and have that horrible detail, (no matter how small it may be in the overall design of the seal), removed.
Little whiny atheist just can’t get over the trauma of having to view a plague of the Ten Commandments posted on the wall of the city courthouse, the
ACLU sees to it that that offensive plaque is removed.
What about the freedom of speech right of those who wish to openly express their religious faith, without fear of censure from the government?
Sorry, the ACLU doesn't care about their rights. Only perverts, atheists, communists, environmentalist whackos and "animals are people too" nuts need apply.
It should be clear to anyone paying attention to the ACLU's judicial history that they aren't really for the protection of every citizen's 1rst Amendment right, just the rights of select citizens, those that agree with the ACLU's vision for America.
What about the element "Civil Liberties" that is found in their title? Like the examples given above regarding protection of 1rst Amendment rights, the ACLU is only concerned with the civil liberty of those who agree with their agenda.
Finally, there's the last element in their title, "American". Unless, simply living in America is the only factor to be considered, this one element in their title is definitely false. They are no more for America's best interest than al Qaeda is.
ACLU's founder was one
Roger Baldwin, an avowed communist. It was his desire to change the face of America and slowly but surely make America a communist nation. Of course, to do so, he had to ensure that his ACLU looked patriotic, hence the bogus name American Civil Liberties Union. Their communist agenda must be hidden from the public at all costs.
Slowly but surely, Baldwin's communist union of lawyers has been eroding away the values and freedoms of the America that the founding fathers sacrificed their very fortunes and property to design. The America that minutemen sacrificed their very lives to fight and die for against overwhelming odds. ACLU lawyers specialize in molesting and raping lady justice.
Sure, every once in a while they will make a show of defending some legitimate civil rights issue, (
Brown v. Board of Education), to make it look like they aren't all that bad. They've even gone so far as to defend the
KKK and Nazis, (to try and sell the image that they are for the civil liberties of all Americans no matter how controversial). These tactics work well in duping gullible, uninformed Americans into believing that the ACLU is an important organization that exists to ensure that their constitutional rights are protected.
The Constitution is the last document that Baldwin's ACLU is interested in protecting. It is the Constitution with it's precepts of freedom for American citizens, and a government that serves it's people, not the other way around, that threatens the ACLU vision for America. Their vision is a communist vision.
The ACLU is counting on all of the useful idiots that it can find for support. The Soviet Union may have fallen from power, but the communist threat is still alive and well today. It exists within the borders of our country in the form of the ACLU.
This union of anti-American lawyers hides behind patriotic disguises. This union of communist lawyers is able to plan this country's demise while enjoying the protection of the very Constitution they seek to overthrow.
They are the enemy within, that if allowed to go unchecked will surely not only "bite the hand the feeds them", but slit their benefactors throat, and assume politcal power.
Are you sure you want to live under the Atheist Communist Litigation Union's vision for a new America? I'm certain that I don't!