Out of the Mouth of Hypocrites.
While it is true that most of the blame for the flooding of New Orleans and the botched evacuation from the city rests on Nagin's shoulders, thus he needs all the help he can get to divert the people's attention away from that fact or else his re-election prospects are nill, resorting to racist comments to get the black vote is no excuse.
Of course the typical democrat “rush to defend a fellow comrade” maneuver will be to point out that Mayor Nagin is black himself, therefore, it can’t possibly be a racist remark. But, that is inane spin. Racism is racism, no matter who spouts it or the color of their skin. Liberals think they are being real clever with this sort of spin tactic, but the truth is, that as it turns out, words actually have meanings. Racism is racism no matter which race is denigrating or seeking to exclude the other.
We all know that there are white racists. Our history is unfortunately tainted with their activities [re KKK]. But, what liberals won’t admit is the fact that there are black racists too [Re Malcom X, Black Panther Party, Louis Farrakan]. Racism is an ugly sin that has poisoned the souls of many human beings throughout history. It isn’t partial to any particular skin color.
The second democrat to open their mouth and insert their foot is the arrogant senator from New York, Hillary Clinton. She, like mayor Nagin, chose Martin Luther King Jr. Day as the time to make a boob out of herself. While addressing the congregation of a black church, Hillary had this racist comment to make:
"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about."
Once again, if a republican senator, like say Trent Lott, had made such a remark the liberal media would have stirred up an outrage. It would be practically 24/7 news coverage of the atrocity, and of course, he would be promptly demanded to resign. So far, none of these liberal hypocrites have even considered the same demand for Hillary.
For Hillary to use the “race card” to make such slanderous, false accusations at a black church is completely unforgivable and telling. You see liberals aren’t really about ending racism and mending the torn relationship between whites and minorities. They are, however, all about using the race card to stir up the hornet’s nest even more. Race warfare and class warfare are the left's specialities. When they aren't stirring things up, they themselves are busy hurling racist epithets at black people who don’t share their leftist idealogy (re: Harry Belafonte’s characterization of Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice as “Bush’s house slaves” and the “oreo cookie” insults that leftists hurled at black conservatives some months back at a rally).
Or course there is also the irony of the whole accusation on Hillary’s part. She has soundly demonstrated her ignorance of American political history. I guess Senator Hillary would be surprised to learn that is was the republican party, who splintered off from the whig party over slavery, and who were themselves anti-slavery and fought against the pro-slavery democratic party.
Just when you wouldn’t think she could get her foot even deeper in her mouth, she decides to make another ludicrous comment:
"I predict to you that this administration will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country," she said.
This coming from the wife of the President who used the Oval Office to commit adultery against her, then lied to the American public about it, was nearly impeached, (as he should have been), played the “definition of ‘is’ is" word game for his defense, allowed China to get away with nuclear secrets, ignored Sudan’s assistance in delivering Osama Bin Laden over to the U.S., bombed a milk factory to get the attention off of his leaked affair, botched the Somalia military affair (ref “Blackhawk Down”), the list goes on. Talk about your administration of corruption. 9/11 was just the beginning of what we have to reap from the seeds of corruption that Clinton sowed during his 8 year administration.
Hillary’s absurd comment reminds me of the foolish German, who, during the 2000 election suggested that since America is the world’s lone super power, and the President leads that super power, then in all fairness the election of that leader should be open to all of Europe and the rest of the world. All of this coming from the citizen of a country who elected and backed Adolph Hitler!
The third democrat to make an ass of himself on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is that sore loser of all sore losers, Al “I can’t even get elected in my home state” Gore. Here are some excerpts of his speech:
“At present, we still have much to learn about the NSA's domestic surveillance. [in reference to the Patriot Act approved of by Congress] What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the president of the United States has been breaking the law, repeatedly and insistently.”
“A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government.”
“Our founding fathers were adamant that they had established a government of laws and not men.”
“They recognized that the structure of government they had enshrined in our Constitution, our system of checks and balances, was designed with a central purpose of ensuring that it would govern through the rule of law.”
“An executive who arrogates to himself the power to ignore the legitimate legislative directives of the Congress or to act free of the check of the judiciary becomes the central threat that the founders sought to nullify in the Constitution, an all-powerful executive; too reminiscent of the king from whom they had broken free.”
“And remember that, once violated, the rule of law is itself in danger. Unless stopped, lawlessness grows, the greater the power of the executive grows, the more difficult it becomes for the other branches to perform their constitutional roles.”
Let’s see, “a president who breaks the law is a threat to our very of structure” is he. Well, where was Gore’s outrage when he was Vice President under is buddy Bill Clinton. Clinton turned out to be above the law in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He got away with not only lying to the American people on TV cameras, but by committing perjury at his Senate trial.
“And remember that, once violated, the rule of law is itself in danger. Unless stopped, lawlessness grows, the greater the power of the executive grows, the more difficult it becomes for the other branches to perform their constitutional roles.”
Lastly we come to Senator Ted Kennedy’s smear campaign against Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Among the many ridiculous things this drunk read…I mean said during his inquisition of Alito, was his attempt to make Alito unfit for service because he once belonged to a club at Princeton University that wanted to deny women and minorities equal and fair representative admission to Princeton. It seems that that one came back to bite ol’ Teddy in his rather large behind. It seems Kennedy has recently scrambled to resign from a club he had been a member of that was recently exposed as being guilty of the same sort of discriminatory activities, the Owl Club. The difference? Alito, was a member many, many years ago while Kennedy remained a paying supporter until just recently. What a hypocrite!
The very idea of Ted Kennedy being in the position to judge anyone’s character for job qualification is an outcry. I wish someone would have the guts to bring up Chappaquiddick to him every time he opens his pompous mouth. A drunk like Kennedy guilty, of murdering his date via a car accident and then using his money and reputation to cover it all up, is in no position to judge anyone.
With the exception of those who vote the democratic ticket because, "my daddy and his daddy and his daddy's daddy voted democrat", those who vote for democrats are making a statement about their very character. How can any one reasonably continue to support such a bunch of hate filled, sore losers, who are morally bankrupt, liars, and have the conversion of America to a Socialist State, at best, or a Communist State at worst as their goal?
It sure beats me. I don't get it.