Jesus Was A Community Organizer?
NBC news anchor, Tom Brokow, on the show "Meet The Press" made the following sacrilegious comments during his interview with former mayor of New York City, Rudi Guilliani [from World Net Daily]:
"Senator Obama, who had an Ivy league education and could’ve gone to Wall Street, went back to Chicago, on the South Side," explained Brokaw. "As you know, his supporters have defended him for working with poor families, many of whom lost their jobs when the Gary steel mills closed. In that mocking fashion, it seemed to a lot of people that you were belittling the role of a community organizer, and it led to this button (showing a campaign-style lapel pin) – it was addressed to Senator Palin, because she also talked about it – 'Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor.' In retrospect, do you think you had too much sport with his role as community organizer, Mr. Mayor?"
Jesus Christ was a "community organizer"? Huh?
This is nothing more than the desperate attempts of a cocktail liberal from the main stream media to try and smear the Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice President. We are witnessing what happens when liberals are in a state of panic.
To try and tie Barak Obama, (or any other person for that matter), to Jesus Christ is absurd. It is even more outrageous to try and paint Jesus Christ as a "community organizer". It is beyond outrageous. It is sacrilegious. And it is disengenous.
The very notion that Jesus' time on earth was to advocate for "civil rights" and try and take on the Roman Government is an outright lie.
Jesus' mission was to teach those around Him who His Father, God, really was, to correct the wrong-headed teachings of the religious authorities in His day about what God expected of the Isrealites and most importantly, to die a cruel death on a cross of shame for the salvation of all mankind.
Pontius Pilate, however, was a governer. But he wasn't a Sarah Palin.
You know, the more the liberals open their mouths, the better it is in the long run. They are unwittingly demonstrating to the American Public just how incredibly out of touch they really are with main stream America.
In this latest liberal gaffe, they are showing the rest of us in America that they will stoop to any level to try and hoodwink the voters to vote for them, even if it means they have to slur Jesus Christ in the process! They may fool some prospective voters but I am not one of them.
And, it's not just Tom Brokow. No sooner had he made such idiotic statements than they became echoed in the Hollywood liberal "echo chamber".
Liberal, Susan Sarandon offered the following sound bite: "Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor."
Yeah right.
I say, keep it up liberals. You are doing us conservatives a big favor. Hopefully, at some point, the rest of America will finally wake up and see you all and your "American Dream" for what it really is: Communism/Socialism for America - the Constitution be damned! We will finally all see that your new hope for change is nothing more than the conversion of America, from it's Constitutional Democratic Republic into the failed socialist democracies of Europe, or worse, communism.
Shame on Tom Brokaw, and shame on the rest of the liberals who are echoing his disengenous, sacrilegious claptrap.
I'm not fooled by it. Are you?
"Senator Obama, who had an Ivy league education and could’ve gone to Wall Street, went back to Chicago, on the South Side," explained Brokaw. "As you know, his supporters have defended him for working with poor families, many of whom lost their jobs when the Gary steel mills closed. In that mocking fashion, it seemed to a lot of people that you were belittling the role of a community organizer, and it led to this button (showing a campaign-style lapel pin) – it was addressed to Senator Palin, because she also talked about it – 'Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor.' In retrospect, do you think you had too much sport with his role as community organizer, Mr. Mayor?"
Jesus Christ was a "community organizer"? Huh?
This is nothing more than the desperate attempts of a cocktail liberal from the main stream media to try and smear the Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice President. We are witnessing what happens when liberals are in a state of panic.
To try and tie Barak Obama, (or any other person for that matter), to Jesus Christ is absurd. It is even more outrageous to try and paint Jesus Christ as a "community organizer". It is beyond outrageous. It is sacrilegious. And it is disengenous.
The very notion that Jesus' time on earth was to advocate for "civil rights" and try and take on the Roman Government is an outright lie.
Jesus' mission was to teach those around Him who His Father, God, really was, to correct the wrong-headed teachings of the religious authorities in His day about what God expected of the Isrealites and most importantly, to die a cruel death on a cross of shame for the salvation of all mankind.
Pontius Pilate, however, was a governer. But he wasn't a Sarah Palin.
You know, the more the liberals open their mouths, the better it is in the long run. They are unwittingly demonstrating to the American Public just how incredibly out of touch they really are with main stream America.
In this latest liberal gaffe, they are showing the rest of us in America that they will stoop to any level to try and hoodwink the voters to vote for them, even if it means they have to slur Jesus Christ in the process! They may fool some prospective voters but I am not one of them.
And, it's not just Tom Brokow. No sooner had he made such idiotic statements than they became echoed in the Hollywood liberal "echo chamber".
Liberal, Susan Sarandon offered the following sound bite: "Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor."
Yeah right.
I say, keep it up liberals. You are doing us conservatives a big favor. Hopefully, at some point, the rest of America will finally wake up and see you all and your "American Dream" for what it really is: Communism/Socialism for America - the Constitution be damned! We will finally all see that your new hope for change is nothing more than the conversion of America, from it's Constitutional Democratic Republic into the failed socialist democracies of Europe, or worse, communism.
Shame on Tom Brokaw, and shame on the rest of the liberals who are echoing his disengenous, sacrilegious claptrap.
I'm not fooled by it. Are you?
Clay, right on. And no, I'm not fooled. I posted a couple of times about this on "Right Face!"
First, it's ironic that the Left, who've crusaded for decades to banish Christianity from the public square, now want us all to view their anointed one as the secular Messiah descending from the clouds.
Second, this is just evidence of the kool-aid drinking cult of Barry O's deranged devotion to someone who is nothing but an empty suit recycling McGovern style politics.
The left is totally unhinged. Barack (nee Barry) Hussein Obama is the Messiah? We are all going to see the glorious light of the epiphany of his righeous reign soon?
Not me. I see the false bravado of Obama and exactly how much he is
NOT the Presidential candidate for this great country.
Barak and his wife Michelle, (who is just now "proud of America" since her husband is running for President, despite her free ride to Princeton based soley on her race), have spent too much of their lives hating America to really have any right to run this country.
I don't trust John McCain exlicitly, no more than I am completely happy with George W. Bush but, McCain's choice of Sara Palin does take the edge off of my voting for him while holding my nose.
But, John McCain, as bad as he is is no where near the threat to this country than the ultra leftist Barack Obama is!
I notice in your photo that you seem to following the traditional retired Air Force tradition of growing the obligatory "fu manchu".
Me, I plan on growing my hair out long, and possibly growing a mustache and full beard. You, know, the Jesus look. ; )
Cool! Maybe you can be a community organizer. That or a Marxist tool.
he he he ; )
Yeshua (Jesus) was an organizer of the poor, the wretched, the unloved, the wrong-minded, the sick, injured and infected, the lost-ones, and more. Yeshua was of course NOT a Christian, he practiced Judaism, his religion and the religion of his people. Yeshua came to show the way for the Jews, not to start a Christian religion or to get his followers to become "born again" into some kind of a cult. He loved his neighbor as he loved himself. He was compassionate before there was the word for it. It made sense to him and to many of his followers. He did not make war, engage in pre-emptive strikes on neighboring countries when they disagreed with him, start a corporation or buy lots of material items. Think about what he did. Let's really get correct and as conservative as we should be. Willie
"Yeshua came to show the way for the Jews, not to start a Christian religion or to get his followers to become "born again" into some kind of a cult."
Oh really? Then why did Jesus tell Nicodemus he had to be born again to enter into eternal life?
Why did Jesus say He was the Way the Truth and the Life and that no one could come to the Father but by Him? It doesn't sound to me like He was just following Judeaism.
Why did He tell His disciples to go forth and spread the Gospel unto the ends of the earth? He didn't just restrict it to Israel.
Sure sounds like He did start a new religion.
As for a cult...that's just ignorance or disengenuity on your part. Prehaps you are a christophobe?
"He did not make war, engage in pre-emptive strikes on neighboring countries when they disagreed with him, start a corporation or buy lots of material items. Think about what he did."
I agree with you, apart from your BDS, that George W. Bush doesn't compare to Jesus, but then, my post never made that point. No man can compare to Jesus.
"Let's really get correct and as conservative as we should be."
Willie, what does that mean?
Sounds like "Willie" needs to actually pick up his Bible and read what Jesus really said and did.
Jesus was not an "organizer," and certainly not in the sense of the Socialist, radical, community activist and rabble-rouser that Obama tried (unsuccessfully) to be.
Yes, He did come to change people's way of thinking about "religion". Yes, He did come to change the way people related and responded to each other, and God. Yes, He did come to save all mankind from the punishment for our sins. Yes, He did make the claim that He was the Messiah, the Son of God, and that He and God are one. Is that what you call "starting a Christian religion"? Christianity is not a "religion". It is a state of mind, a state of the heart and a way of life.
Is it any less wrong to compare Obama with the Son of God than it is to compare GWB, or any other human, with him? That is the point here, that the anti-Christian Left, who for decades has done all they can to banish Jesus from the public square, suddenly wants to co-opt Him as a comparison to the own "blessed Messiah" by misrepresenting who He was, why He came, and what He did.
"That is the point here, that the anti-Christian Left, who for decades has done all they can to banish Jesus from the public square, suddenly wants to co-opt Him as a comparison to the own "blessed Messiah" by misrepresenting who He was, why He came, and what He did."
James, that nails the hypocrisy of the left very succinctly. Good job!
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