In My Right Mind

"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain

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Location: Universal City, Texas, United States

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take away everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Hypocritical Media: Too Little. Too Late.

Who does the main stream media (MSM) think it is fooling?

In the last couple of days, the liberal MSM have been attacking, of all people, Democrat, Caroline "Kennedy". This is a bit odd sense the MSM has been all about trying to paint the Kennedy Family has our "Royal Family".

This, of course, is ludicrous since America became an independant nation from Britan because we don't accept royalty in the first place. The whole "Kennedy Camelot" thing has always repulsed me. JFK was really no different than Clinton, and a myriad of other democrat politicians, i.e. pursuing adultery every chance they get. Bill Clinton had his Monica and is still idolized by liberal democrats and JFK had his Marilyn Monroe. But what do those silly liberals know about American history anyways? They usually try and re-write it to support their views anyhow.

But, I digress. Here is where the MSM's hypocricy comes into play. One reporter the other day was going on and on, on the Fox News Channel about how she had counted the number of "you knows" found in Caroline "Kennedy's" press speech and about how unqualifed she was for the job of taking over Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, having no experience.

No experience?

I have a question that just begs to be asked. Where was this scrutiny on the part of the MSM against Obama during his campaign for President?

Every idiotic gaffe that he and his running mate Joe Biden made were summarily ignored. Barrack's gaping lack of experience was ignored while they tried to pin inexperience on Sarah Palin, who at least, had the experience of two administrative jobs as mayor, and then, governor of the state of Alaska.

Yet, now we are supposed to be impressed with the MSM's rough treatment of Caroline "Kennedy"? Yeah right!

Personally speaking, while I don't agree with her political views, I do believe she should be given a chance.

After all, given the highly questionable views and past surronding Barrak Obama's rise to the presidency, at least Caroline rises above all of that highly suspicious evidence.


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