Never Fear, Sharon Stone Is Here!
It was only a matter of time. Americans were enjoying the lack of yet another Hollywood entertainer gracing us with his or her political opinion. But alas, all good things must eventually come to an end. Hollywood actress, Sharon Stone decided to grace her Paris and Israeli audiences with this jewel of Hollywood babble:
"It feels to me that we have an opportunity ... to choose understanding in a new way," she told a press conference in Paris when asked about her trip.
"And it really is just a breath. It's just an agreement that's just a breath. We are not far apart. We can choose to have this alternative kind of growth that is a collective nuance of understanding.
"We are just that breath away from a peaceful co-existence," she added after her visit to Israel as a guest of the Peres Center for Peace, a foundation run by Nobel laureate and former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres.
I have to admit, I’ve read and re-read her quotes and I’m not confidant that I understand exactly what she’s trying to say. It sounds like the sort of leftist, hippy, starry-eyed, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping happy tunes so if we all just hold hands and sing “Kumbya” everyone in the world will live together in peace, joy and happiness claptrap.
If this is her take on the Israel/Palestinian conflict then she obviously either has an over rated opinion of her diplomatic skills or is entirely ignorant about the whole crisis. Experts in the field of diplomacy have tried for decades to solve the Middle East conundrum and have yet to come any where near lasting peace. Israel even gave the Palestinians the Gaza Strip that they were whining about wanting back, and that hasn’t stopped the murderous Palestinian terrorist attacks from being directed against innocent Israeli citizens. I doubt very seriously that the situation was just waiting for the brilliant Ms. Stone to step up to the microphone and solve the whole thing with a few flowery words.
There is the naïve, “we are the world” mentality of the peacenik left, and then there is reality. The reality of the situation is that the Arab world, particularly the Palestinians, won’t be satisfied until every Jew is slaughtered and they can take the land of Israel for themselves. The Arabs won’t be satisfied until every synagogue is destroyed and replaced with mosques. The Islamo-Fascists won’t be satisfied until they can celebrate their victory by bathing their feet in rivers of Israeli blood. And even then they won’t be satisfied. Then they will turn their hate-filled, murderous eyes onto Western Civilization for conquest, and the from there the rest of the world.
You can’t co-exist with these Islamic hot heads in some “we are the world” type of peaceful existence. For these Islamo-Fascist terrorists are like the fictitious “Borg” in the TV and movie series “Star Trek”. All peoples in the world that are not Muslims will either be assimilated through forced conversion or murdered in cold blood.
Ms. Stone’s loopy comments only serve to highlight her as nothing more than another “ugly American” spouting off at the mouth in a foreign land about something she knows little about and has no personal stake in. It smacks of the never fear, an American is here. Don’t worry the solution is really easy. Aren’t you glad Americans are around to untangle your messes!
For an Israeli family who have suffered the terrible loss of loved ones at the hands of demon-possessed, murderous, Palestinian terrorists to have to listen to Ms. Stone’s oversimplification of the situation can be viewed as nothing more than an insult to their intelligence. They know from painful experience that their enemy is not “this close to agreeing to peace”.
One can only hope Ms. Stone’s audience had the fore-knowledge to just laugh her off as just another misguided American Hollywood artist that has an over-estimated sense of their worth beyond the Entertainment realm. Her “ugly American” shooting off at the mouth is a real embarrassment. The world could do with a lot less ugly Americans around smearing their country’s image with their boisterous, arrogance.
The whole Hollywood political scene is so surreal. It’s like these entertainers have a string hanging from their back. While they are standing around at some cocktail party, or some event promoting their latest film, some one pulls on the string, and they break out into anti-Bush drivel, or peacenik appeasement babble.
I remember when I was a kid there were dolls that had a string attached to their back. When you pulled the string, the doll would repeat some phrase. I could be wrong, but I think my sister had a Mrs. Beasley doll(from the TV show "Family Affair") that repeated phrases from the show. Anyways, this is what I am refering to.
For someone who plays a manipulating, panty-less slut in a dress in the movies to pretend that her diplomatic opinion regarding the problem of peace in the Middle East matters is embarrassing. If Ms. Stone is really interested in the empowerment of women, she should seek out roles that honor women instead of ones that reinforce the misogynist “Jezebel” image of women. And by all means, she should definately refrain from playing the “ugly American” role when she is abroad.
"It feels to me that we have an opportunity ... to choose understanding in a new way," she told a press conference in Paris when asked about her trip.
"And it really is just a breath. It's just an agreement that's just a breath. We are not far apart. We can choose to have this alternative kind of growth that is a collective nuance of understanding.
"We are just that breath away from a peaceful co-existence," she added after her visit to Israel as a guest of the Peres Center for Peace, a foundation run by Nobel laureate and former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres.
I have to admit, I’ve read and re-read her quotes and I’m not confidant that I understand exactly what she’s trying to say. It sounds like the sort of leftist, hippy, starry-eyed, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping happy tunes so if we all just hold hands and sing “Kumbya” everyone in the world will live together in peace, joy and happiness claptrap.
If this is her take on the Israel/Palestinian conflict then she obviously either has an over rated opinion of her diplomatic skills or is entirely ignorant about the whole crisis. Experts in the field of diplomacy have tried for decades to solve the Middle East conundrum and have yet to come any where near lasting peace. Israel even gave the Palestinians the Gaza Strip that they were whining about wanting back, and that hasn’t stopped the murderous Palestinian terrorist attacks from being directed against innocent Israeli citizens. I doubt very seriously that the situation was just waiting for the brilliant Ms. Stone to step up to the microphone and solve the whole thing with a few flowery words.
There is the naïve, “we are the world” mentality of the peacenik left, and then there is reality. The reality of the situation is that the Arab world, particularly the Palestinians, won’t be satisfied until every Jew is slaughtered and they can take the land of Israel for themselves. The Arabs won’t be satisfied until every synagogue is destroyed and replaced with mosques. The Islamo-Fascists won’t be satisfied until they can celebrate their victory by bathing their feet in rivers of Israeli blood. And even then they won’t be satisfied. Then they will turn their hate-filled, murderous eyes onto Western Civilization for conquest, and the from there the rest of the world.
You can’t co-exist with these Islamic hot heads in some “we are the world” type of peaceful existence. For these Islamo-Fascist terrorists are like the fictitious “Borg” in the TV and movie series “Star Trek”. All peoples in the world that are not Muslims will either be assimilated through forced conversion or murdered in cold blood.
Ms. Stone’s loopy comments only serve to highlight her as nothing more than another “ugly American” spouting off at the mouth in a foreign land about something she knows little about and has no personal stake in. It smacks of the never fear, an American is here. Don’t worry the solution is really easy. Aren’t you glad Americans are around to untangle your messes!
For an Israeli family who have suffered the terrible loss of loved ones at the hands of demon-possessed, murderous, Palestinian terrorists to have to listen to Ms. Stone’s oversimplification of the situation can be viewed as nothing more than an insult to their intelligence. They know from painful experience that their enemy is not “this close to agreeing to peace”.
One can only hope Ms. Stone’s audience had the fore-knowledge to just laugh her off as just another misguided American Hollywood artist that has an over-estimated sense of their worth beyond the Entertainment realm. Her “ugly American” shooting off at the mouth is a real embarrassment. The world could do with a lot less ugly Americans around smearing their country’s image with their boisterous, arrogance.
The whole Hollywood political scene is so surreal. It’s like these entertainers have a string hanging from their back. While they are standing around at some cocktail party, or some event promoting their latest film, some one pulls on the string, and they break out into anti-Bush drivel, or peacenik appeasement babble.
I remember when I was a kid there were dolls that had a string attached to their back. When you pulled the string, the doll would repeat some phrase. I could be wrong, but I think my sister had a Mrs. Beasley doll(from the TV show "Family Affair") that repeated phrases from the show. Anyways, this is what I am refering to.
For someone who plays a manipulating, panty-less slut in a dress in the movies to pretend that her diplomatic opinion regarding the problem of peace in the Middle East matters is embarrassing. If Ms. Stone is really interested in the empowerment of women, she should seek out roles that honor women instead of ones that reinforce the misogynist “Jezebel” image of women. And by all means, she should definately refrain from playing the “ugly American” role when she is abroad.
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